Banner artwork by Kelly Cranfill...Thank you


Horizons Elementary Principal, Tim Fries

PTSA President, Sarah Gosney

PTSA Vice President, Espie DiIorio

PTSA Treasurer, Liz Rogers

PTSA Secretary, Desiree Densevich

PTSA Volunteer Coordinator, Vacant

To contact a board member simply click on their name to send an email.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Horizons PTSA Calendar of Events

September 17th ~ Family Fun Night and First General Membership Meeting 

October 13th ~ Fun Run 

30th ~ Pancake Breakfast and Book Reading 

November 3rd~5th Scholastic Book Fair 

12th ~ Military Appreciation Night 

December 7th ~ Winter Fest ~ and General Membership meeting 

January Possible Family Fun night ~ Date TBA 

February 1st ~ Read-A-Thon Kickoff 4th ~ Bingo For Books 

March 18th~ Book Reading and General Membership Meeting *Elections* 

23rd ~ 25th Scholastic Book Fair 

April 23rd ~ Spring Auction and Dinner 

May 20th ~ Family Fun Night 

June 14th ~ General Membership Meeting *Transition*

A Letter From the Board  Hello, We would like to take this time to welcome everyone back to Horizons, and we hope you are all as excited as we are about the coming year. We have some really fun things planned for this year, some you have seen before, and some new things too! Fundraising is an important part of the PTSA; it allows us to give grants for technology, library, field trips, and many other things. This year we have decided to try to move away from commercial fundraising. We are still selling spirit wear made for us by Budd Bay Embroidery and have started a new ongoing fundraiser with Olympic Crest Coffee. These are both local businesses that provide a service here where we live. We will also be collecting Box Tops all year round in an effort to build a new playground for our kids, so put the word out to family and friends. We would like all of you to become PTSA members. It is a wonderful way to get involved in your children’s grade school experience. Getting involved can be as simple as donating one hour of your time, or even chairing an event. Some ongoing committees that can always use help are Fundraising, Membership, and Reflections. We have room for everyone, and everyone is welcome! We have a few new tools for keeping you up to date on what is going on with your PTSA. 

Please visit us at Horizons Elementary PTSA Website. Our first General Membership meeting will be held on September 17th at 6:30 pm in the Horizon’s gym, and we hope to see you all there! 

Thank You,
Your PTSA Board